Improved filter settings in the ESHYFT for Nurses app now make it easier for you to find the best shifts for your schedule.
What can I filter shifts by?
Hourly rate
You can filter shifts by their hourly pay rate, set minimum and maximum pay rates you're interested in working
You can set the maximum distance you want to filter shifts by, you can also turn on the 'ignore distance' filter, if you want to see shifts regardless of their location
Note: if you're looking for shifts in other states, you can use the Map tab in Shifts or search for the address/city/state in the search bar on the Shifts list
Filter shifts by date range or by a specific day
Filter shifts by days and times that work best for your schedule
Filter shifts by license type
Did you know? If you're an RN, you can work LPN shifts too
If you are licensed in multiple states, you can filter shifts by state
Facility filters
Filter shifts by your favorite facilities
You can favorite facilities by going to a facility's shift and clicking the 'heart' icon by their name
New facility
Filter shifts by new ESHYFT facilities
Allow overtime for regular shifts
Filter shifts by facilities that allow overtime on regular shifts
Allow overtime for InstaSHYFTs
Filter shifts by facilities that allow overtime on InstaSHYFTs
Never worked
Filter shifts by facilities you have not worked at
Filter shifts by facilities you have worked at
Shift types
Regular shifts
Shifts that require confirmation by a facility manager
Shifts you can book instantly, without confirmation required
Urgent shifts
Shifts which have been recently called out of by another nurse
Holiday pay - new!
Shifts which start on a holiday and pay x1.5 hourly pay rate