To call out of a shift you have been confirmed for, go into the app under the 'SCHEDULE' tab, and select the shift you want to call out from in the 'CONFIRMED' section. There should be a button at the bottom of the screen that says 'CALL OUT,' select it.
You will be asked if you want to confirm the call out. There should also be a message reiterating ESHYFT's callout policy.
Next, you will be asked your reason for calling out. You can select from:
A family member is sick
Family emergency
Car trouble
Confirmed for a shift last minute
Forgot about this shift
Didn't realize how far away the Facility is
After you select a reason for calling out, click 'SUBMIT CALLOUT.'
To complete callouts within 24 hours of the shift start time, you will be instructed to call ESHYFT so a rep can approve and potentially excuse the callout. To learn more about excused callouts, and ESHYFT's callout policy, please read 'What is ESHYFT's callout policy?'
Once these steps have been taken, you have successfully canceled your confirmed shift.
If you do need to cancel a shift, we ask that you please try to do so as far in advance as possible so that the facility has enough time to find another nurse to fill your spot. A callout made at least 7 days in advance may be excused, as it provides the facility with ample time to fill the shift again.